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European university reps meet in Turku to discuss research-education synergies

European university reps meet in Turku to discuss research-education synergies

In early June, a significant gathering of European university representatives will take place in Turku to engage in discussions about the synergies between research and education[^1]. This event marks the Coimbra Group’s Annual Conference and General Assembly, hosted by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University[^1]. The Coimbra Group, established in 1985, is an association of long-standing multidisciplinary European universities, currently comprising 40 members from 22 countries[^1].

The theme for this year’s conference is “Research and Education – Most Impactful Together,” which underscores the belief that the most substantial impact on society comes from the integration of these two domains[^1]. The conference will feature various working group meetings, workshops, and a public event at Logomo on June 6th, which includes keynote speeches, a panel session, and the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) European Competition Live Final[^1]. This public event is not only open to attendees but will also be streamed online, making it accessible to a wider audience interested in the intersection of research and education[^1].

Rector Jukka Kola of the University of Turku emphasizes the importance of fostering meaningful partnerships among leading European universities to create a vibrant intellectual ecosystem[^1]. Similarly, Rector Mikael Lindfelt of Åbo Akademi University highlights the significance of both education and research in fostering a culture of innovation and intellectual exchange[^1]. Emmanuelle Gardan, Director at the Coimbra Group’s Brussels Office, expresses excitement for the conference, noting its role as a flagship event for networking, sharing ideas, and getting inspired by diverse perspectives[^1].

The assembly aims to enhance the impact of academic work through the collaboration between research and teaching, reflecting the Coimbra Group’s commitment to academic excellence and societal service[^1].


[^1]: https://www.abo.fi/en/news/european-university-representatives-gather-in-turku-to-discuss-synergies-between-research-and-education/

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