Germany has taken proactive steps to address its labor market shortages by attracting Indian students, who are currently the largest group of international students in the nation, numbering around 43,000[^1]. The German government’s strategy includes the Skilled Immigration Act, which was introduced following discussions between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This act has made it easier for international students to enter the German labor market by allowing them to work up to 20 hours per week, a significant increase from the previous 10-hour limit[^1]. This opportunity is also available to those who are prospective university students or engaged in German language courses.
The fields of study chosen by Indian students in Germany are diverse, with many opting for engineering, law, management, social studies, and mathematics and natural sciences[^1]. The changes implemented by the German government have already shown positive results, with a notable 26% increase in the number of Indian students in the country over the past year, suggesting that the policy revisions are effectively drawing more Indian students to Germany[^1].
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