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Netherlands Visa

Netherlands Visa Applications

Experiencing Amsterdam as a Global Student

Entry Visas and Residence Permits

A student planning to take up a course that is over 90 days in duration would need a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands to complete their education. As per the IND (Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service), for students planning to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days, the university or institute is their ‘recognized sponsor’. Under the TEV (Entry and Residence Permit) Procedure, the visa for the student would be applied for by the recognized sponsor. It is important for the student to understand that while the process is essentially the same, it might vary from University to university, and he/she is to follow the guidelines as shared by the University.

Process for the Netherlands Student Visa

The visa process for the Netherlands’ is a two-step process that requires:

  • The MVV or entry visa, to enter the Netherlands
  • The VVR, or Residence Permit, is granted to students within a month of reaching the country

Under the TEV Procedure, the University would request that you provide the necessary documents and submit the form on your behalf to the IND in the Netherlands. Once the IND approves your application, it willgrant you an MVV (provisional residence permit), which will be valid for 3 months. The student can collect the MVV from the Dutch Embassy/ Consulate and then fly to the Netherlands.

On arriving in the Netherlands, students would then be required by their respective universities to appear for and apply for a Residence Permit (VVR) within a stipulated time. Again, it may vary from university to university but is usually stipulated between 3 and 5 days. The application is then forwarded by the university for a permanent residence permit, which is issued within the following two weeks.

Time Required for the Netherlands Student Visa

Ideally, the MVV, or ‘Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblifj’ (Dutch for Provisional Residence Permit), is processed in about 60 days. However, it might take longer and you are advised to start as soon as possible. The time advised is about 3 months before the intended start of the course.

The VVR is processed quicker and takes about 2 weeks. Students would have to be present in the Netherlands to be granted this visa.

Netherlands Student Visa Fee

Around €210 is charged to international students applying for a visa in the Netherlands. However, since the universities would be applying on your behalf, the exact fee might vary in terms of service charges, handling charges, etc. It is always advisable to check the university for the same.

Also, most of the universities would add the Visa Application Fee in the ‘Fee Schedule’, which you would have to pay to confirm your enrolment with the university.

Netherlands Student Visa Requirements

  • A student must have a valid passport with a validity of at least 12 months at the time of application.
  • Confirmation of Admission from a Dutch University. It is proof of registration at a Dutch university. It is called HBO (hoger beroepsonderwijs). Moreover, the academic institution must be a recognized sponsor with the IND.
  • Your academic program must be recognized by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders, or NVAO (in the Netherlands), or the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education, or EQAR (Europe).
  • The IND stipulates the minimum fund requirement (known as the study norm) for staying and studying in the Netherlands at €957.87 per month for students enrolled in universities. It is important to note that this is the cost of living as stipulated and is revised twice a year (on January 1 and July 1).
  • Health insurance for the first three months of your stay in the Netherlands. Also, you might be asked for a tuberculosis test before you travel to the Netherlands.
  • Other documents required for the Netherlands student visa include:
    • Duly-filled visa application form
    • Photographs
    • Academic transcripts
    • Birth certificate
    • Any other document

How to Apply for a Netherlands Student Visa (MVV & VVR)?

  • Confirm Your Admission to a Dutch University and prepare the documents as per the checklist provided by the university
  • Confirm if you need health insurance and apply for one
  • Follow the instructions provided by the university and complete the forms provided by the university along with the necessary documents
  • Pay the Netherlands student visa fee of €210 or as mandated by the university
  • Receive confirmation from the consulate/ embassy and make an appointment
  • Attend the visa interview and submit your passport

Once you reach the venue, you will be asked to appear for a small interview. It is a generic interview wherein the interviewer would ask you about the university you have applied to and your interest in studying in the Netherlands. After that, you would be asked to submit your passport, and your MVV would be attached.

Remember, the MVV is valid only for three months. Also, you would have to report to the university office within the stipulated time to apply for and receive your residence permit, without which you cannot stay in the Netherlands. A default in the same could lead to the revocation of your stay permissions and your immediate deportation. Hence, always follow the guidelines as shared by the university.

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