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Simon Coveney expresses hope that Ireland could serve as a bridge for India to access the EU

Simon Coveney

Ireland’s Trade Minister Simon Coveney has expressed hope that Ireland can serve as a gateway for India to the European Union[^1]. During his visit to India as part of the annual St. Patrick’s Day programme, Coveney emphasized the importance of India’s voice on the global stage, particularly in light of its economic and military prowess, as well as its diplomatic influence amid conflicts such as the Ukraine-Russia situation and the Israel-Hamas war[^1].

Coveney noted that India is increasingly viewed through a different lens compared to five or ten years ago, with its stable democracy and strong international relationships making it a “safer bet” for future supply chains[^1]. This perspective is crucial as countries and multinational corporations seek to diversify their supply chains amidst growing geopolitical uncertainty[^1].

The minister also highlighted the potential benefits of a free trade agreement between the EU and India, although he acknowledged the complexity of such negotiations and the impact of upcoming elections on both sides[^1]. Despite these challenges, Coveney remains optimistic about the prospects of accelerating efforts towards a trade deal following the elections[^1].

In terms of cultural and educational exchange, Coveney spoke about connecting with the “affinity diaspora”—Indians who have studied or worked in Ireland and now hold senior decision-making positions in India[^1]. He believes that these connections can foster trade opportunities and political cooperation[^1].

Furthermore, Coveney pointed out Ireland’s young and educated workforce, particularly in STEM and technology-based subjects, as an opportunity for skilled Indian graduates[^1]. The influx of Indian students into Irish universities, especially in technology-based courses, is seen as a positive development for Ireland’s highly globalized economy[^1].

Lastly, Coveney discussed Ireland’s upgraded Asia Pacific policy and how Europe can work with India in the region, especially concerning supply chain security and rule of law issues[^1]. He underscored the need for increased investment in Ireland’s diplomatic and commercial presence in India, recognizing India’s status as a global superpower[^1].


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