In an era where the global community faces pressing challenges of sustainability, equity, and inclusivity, transformative education has emerged as a powerful tool to equip young minds with the necessary skills, values, knowledge, and attitudes to drive positive change[^1]. This form of education is deeply rooted in UNESCO’s 1974 Recommendation on Education for Peace and Human Rights, which emphasizes international understanding, cooperation, fundamental freedoms, global citizenship, and sustainable development[^1].
Recognizing the pivotal role that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) play in shaping the educational landscape, UNESCO has been actively promoting transformative education through higher education across the Arab States[^1]. This commitment was further solidified by a comprehensive study commissioned by UNESCO in 2022, which highlighted the progress made by HEIs in the Arab region in mainstreaming components of transformative education, as well as identifying areas that require more attention[^1].
To institutionalize transformative education within the fabric of education, UNESCO mobilized its network to explore the development of university courses on transformative education for teachers’ pre-service training[^1]. This initiative is crucial for preparing future educators to promote these values in their classrooms.
Building on this momentum, universities from the Arab and European regions have expressed eagerness to formalize cooperation to advance transformative education. In February 2024, a meeting organized by the UNESCO Beirut Office in Istanbul, Türkiye, brought together representatives from Saint-Joseph University (Lebanon), Institute Supérieur des Cadres de l’Enfance (Tunisia), Sultan Qaboos University (Oman), and the UNESCO Chair on GCED in Higher Education at the University of Bologna (Italy). The meeting resulted in a joint action plan and preparations for the creation of a UNITWIN university network[^1].
The launch of the UNESCO publication “Including Transformative Education into Pre-Service Teacher Training: A Guide for Universities and Teacher Training Institutions in the Arab Region” marks a significant milestone in these efforts[^1]. This guide provides faculty deans and academia with practical insights and strategies to integrate transformative education into their curricula, thereby equipping a new generation of educators to effect positive societal change[^1].
This collaborative endeavor between UNESCO and Arab and European universities aligns with UNESCO’s mandate to support sustainable educational reforms and underscores the organization’s role as a United Nations Laboratory of Ideas[^1]. By fostering a network of universities committed to transformative education, UNESCO is laying the groundwork for a brighter educational future in both Arab and European countries[^1].
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